Telephony Games

March 6th, 2012 in Home Categories by 0 Comments

Redial – Telephony
Name:  GameCentral
Platform: Telephony
Author: Ezra Velazquez
Release: March 6th, 2012
Technology: Asterisk, MySQL, PHP, PHPAGI
Source Code: Available on GitHub
Version: 0.5

To access project: Call (206) 456-1465, ext 1 when asked.

About GameCentral: Allow anyone with a mobile phone (old-school Nokia phones to the new fancy smart-phones) to play audio-based brain games.

The user calls the number, their number is automatically pushed to the server, where it is check to see if its in the server. If it’s not, a new entry is created for them. If they are a previous user, their score is pulled.

The user is then presented with a phone tree, which contains the game’s name. Once they pick a game, they are given instructions on how to play. Every single time they get a right answer, their score is updated in the database.

In the back-end of things, I took a OOP approach for the project. Each game is a ‘module’, which are broken down into two simplistic functions: state question & check response. All other functionality of the game is handled by the main class. This will allow for easy swapping and adding of games. An extra class, Server, was written to allow for communication to the MySQL server. It was created as an extra class in order to separate the PHPAGI and PHP, along with giving each class its own purpose.

Author: ezraezra

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